Internal communication: Basics that are often forgotten


Communication plays a major role in the overall well-being of every team and every organisation. Often it is also about managing expectations. The view of a company from both inside and outside should be compatible. Provide opportunities for people to express their opinions on how things are working. Also remember that repetition is key to ensuring your message gets across. At the same time, don’t limit yourself to only one channel.

Many HR executives are arguing for more strategic roles in their companies. Aligning internal communications and connecting the dots between marketing and recruitment can be the first step, according to the website. Then what comes next?

Strive to be transparent: this will mitigate stress

Any major change must be communicated properly; otherwise, many people will suffer and some of them might even leave your company. It is much better to be brutally honest and upfront about the situation than to remain silent. Some people may still choose to leave you but at least everyone will understand what the triggers of the change are. HR may mediate and use open communication to eliminate much of the personal disappointment.

Make communication two-way

Employees sometimes need to express their opinions and feelings. Effective HR or communications offer opportunities for providing such feedback. This may involve scheduled dialogues or individual meetings with superiors and HR representatives as well as performance dialogues.

Don't be afraid to repeat yourself

When communicating something important, start at the company meeting, follow up by providing your materials online and then also set up smaller sessions to dig deeper into various aspects of the change or plan. To ensure your message reaches everyone, you need to use multiple channels.

Employee well-being is vital to any business. This is a complex matter but we can all start with the basics of good communication. You can’t please everybody but you can be open in such a way that everybody can decide if what you have to offer is what they need in order to be happy.


Article source - network of professional blogs
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