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Your query "T%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BDdenn%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BD%20v%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BDb%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BDr%20HR" has returned 64 articles.

Článek v rámci předplatného EU: Most new jobs created by small companies


The majority, namely 85% of new jobs in the European Union between the years 2002 and 2010 were created by small and medium enterprises. That is the main finding of the European Commission study…

How to retain talents in a growing economy


Finding ways to keep talented employees is one of the current corporate priorities. Many employees, however, made this year again a New Year's resolution to find a better job. therefore…

Článek v rámci předplatného How much do you focus on customers?


The world around us often changes faster than the attitudes of people in it. Companies therefore keep certain practices that do not reflect the needs of customers any more. The larger the company,…

Článek v rámci předplatného Can you sell your business contribution?


Many HR professionals say that they are not "typical HRs" but "bearers of real business results". Few of them can, however, really describe and prove their business value. What does exactly mean to…

20 tips to boost your HR career in 2012


The time of New Year's resolutions including career goals for the coming year is here again. To really boost and move your HR career to a next level, you should, however, not set too vague or weak…

Článek v rámci předplatného 50 biggest problems of performance evaluations


Performance evaluations (appraisals) are one of the least popular HR activities not only among employees but also among HR specialists themselves. That leads to poor performance evaluation processes…

Článek v rámci předplatného Study: HR in 2012


In 2012, the best HR teams will ensure competitive advantage to their organizations by creating an agile workplace without borders using new strategies for talent management and training. That is the…

7 hard truths about the position of HR in a company


In an ideal world, HR Directors would be sitting at the board table with corporate top management, employees would handle everything online and present their reports on time and recruiters would…

Can you engage your employees?


Direct managers play a key role in engaging their employees. If they are not engaged themselves, they form a kind of a rigid workplace that not only do not evolve but also spoils the lives of…

15 steps to strategic talent management


If it is your New Year resolution to start a more strategic approach to talent management, let yourself be inspired by a list of possible programs and actions summed up by a world-renowned…

10 reasons why best talents leave large companies


Why are large companies not able to keep the best talent even if they have more resources than their smaller competitors? Ten answers to this question were published on Bureaucracy -…

Best practices in leadership development


During this year, the world's leading media focused on management have paid a lot of attention to the development of leaders and leadership in connection with the retiring Baby Boomers generation and…

Show managers how to motivate at the end of the year


The end of the year is a good opportunity to reflect and enhance employee motivation. brought ten tips to inspire employees to better work in the new year. Share them with your…

Helping parents to combine their life roles

15.12.2011 published an interview with Jana Skalkova, Senior specialist from the Training Department of Ceskoslovenska obchodni banka (CSOB) - a universal bank operating in the Czech Republic, a member…

Článek v rámci předplatného 7 steps to satisfied employees


Employee satisfaction can be maintained even if you do not have enough money to wage increases. A 30-year research study by Kenexa High Performance Institute, reported on Management Today, showed…

Listing 46 to 60 out of 64