Answering emails via smart phones - Is it overtime?


Can employees who are expected to answer work-related emails via their smartphones after working hours consider it as overtime and claim financial compensation? This question becomes very relevant in all parts of the world.

For example, in Brazil a new law qualifying emails after office hours as overtime came into force last onth. It states that emails sent to employees are equivalent to orders personally given to employees. Employees are then entitled to apply for overtime financial compensation.

Suits for the payment of overtime spent by processing emails on smart phones are increasing also in the United States. Several cases have been reported among policemen who are required to keep 24-hour emergencies on the phone. They then sue for overtime financial compensation with their employers - cities.

Due to the expansion rate of smartphones in the world, it is expected that further regulation of overtime work on mobile devices will appear soon.


Article source Bloomberg Businessweek - U.S. business magazine and website
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