Brian Tracy: Practical tips on how to overcome fear


If we want to be happier and more successful in life, we have to learn to manage our fear. According to Brian Tracy, the U.S. speaker and consultant, one of the world's leading personalities in the field of personal and professional development, managing fear and getting courage requires the 4 following steps.

1. Take a pen and a paper and describe the problem or situation you are afraid of. Divide the page into two halves by a vertical line. Describe your problem on the left.

The good news is that many problems are resolved at this stage already. It is often enough to name things clearly.

2. If you still need help with your fear, go ahead. On the right side of the paper, write down what's the worst thing that can happen in case of the problem that you have described on the left.

At this stage, you will realize that your fear stems from what could happen. You will see that once you write down "the worst thing", you will start to worry less.

3. The third step is to accept that "the worst thing" could really happen. Tell yourself that if it happens, you can handle it.

Then you will not have to worry any more. You will get rid of the stress of rejecting what can happen.

4. Start by doing everything possible so that "the worst thing" will not happen. Thanks to the fact that you have accepted the possibility that it could happen, you will now be calmer and more creative. You will transform your fear into a constructive activity.


Article source - Brian Tracy's official blog
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