Four tips on how to address a group of people with confidence

As an HR agent, you will likely find yourself relatively often in situations where you have to address an audience, such as presenting stats to company management, welcoming a group of new hires, or presenting the brand of your employer at a recruitment event. Here are four tips on how to feel confident on such occasions and thus achieve what you want with your speech.


Body language

Your aim is to come across as calm, concentrated and confident. This is why you should consciously try to display certain non-verbal expressions, such as straight posture, head up, slow breathing, gestures, etc.

Visualising success

When visualising possible outcomes of your presentation, do not focus only on negative scenarios, but try to imagine ultimate success. The outcome is often very much influenced by your own expectations.

Audience as the focus of your presentation

HR Morning advises you put the listeners at the centre of your speech. The more your speech (and consequently the audience) focuses on all the people present, the less you will have to worry about such things as your appearance, way of speaking, overall impression, etc.

Clear goal

Your speech should have a clear goal, in other words the effect you want the presentation to have. Keep this goal in mind, focus primarily on it, and concentrate not on yourself, how you look and so on, but above all on achieving the goals you have set for yourself.




Article source HR Morning - American portal for HR managers
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