Principles of the prevention of bullying in the workplace


Bullying in the workplace can take many forms - from constant criticism, over yelling and gosip to total ignorance of certain employees. If a company wants to successfully prevent bullying in its ranks, it has to master a principle which is often referred to in the politics - zero tolerance. Team leaders play the key role in promoting this policy in the workplace. They should know and actively implement the bullying prevention principles listed below. Do your managers know the principles?

Help others recognize bullying

Your team should know how bullying among adults looks like. You can talk about it at meetings and concurrently challenge your people to talk about difficult situations they encounter.

Do not ignore warnings of possible bullying

Once the complaints about possible bullying reach you, be grateful. Take it seriously and examine eaxch complaint. Make it clear that you will not tolerate bullying neither on the part of employees or clients.

Teach employees how to handle conflicts and criticism

Arrange a training for your people to learn how to identify appropriate negative feedback and how to respond to inappropriate behavior.

Develop self-confidence of your subordinates

Self-confident people are less often the victims of bullying and more often ask for help when they need it.

Do not initiate bullying

The most common workplace bullies are people in higher positions. Every manager should therefore monitor his behavior and ask someone trustworthy from its surroundings to watch him, too.


Article source EHS Today - U.S. website for health and safety professionals
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