Where to look for best practices in employee development?


When you are looking for examples of the best practices in your field, you should start by cooperating with the best people. In the spirit of this motto, clomedia.com asked experts on corporate training to share their best practices on how to find the best practices for employee development. The result was the following tips.

1. Talk to your colleagues

Everyone has a network of professional contacts, so start with yours. Ask your colleagues what employee development is like in their companies, who they cooperate with and what problems they solve.

2. Be an enthusiast

If you want to maintain access to the best practices, attend conferences, read professional literature, get involved in expert discussions and build relationships with professionals. Follow broader trends in your field.

3. Get inspired by big companies

Big companies have very sophisticated employee development programs. Even though they have very different budgets than you do, they can give you a lot of inspiration.

4. Get interested in management

Follow the latest research and studies on corporate governance. Read not only about how to train employees, but about management in general. You can reach local schools or professors focused on people management in organizations.

5. Do not copy others

Do not adopt the best practices of other companies without modifying them to suit your individual needs. Blind copying does not usually work.

6. Recruit experts to find vendors of educational activities

If you do not know how to choose your training supplier, appeal to companies that are experts. Discuss your ideas and needs with them and let them preselect your suppliers.


Article source Chief Learning Officer - a U.S. magazine and website focused on L&D
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