Best practices in workforce analytics


The increasing complexity of today's workforce, new technologies, stronger economic pressure or more efforts to link HR strategies with business strategies. All this force HR professionals to be better at working with information. That is why the HR indicators (workforce analytics) are becoming a hot topic. How to work with them effectively? described five best practices.

1. Start from the end

Without a clear definition of what you want to measure, who will use the information and what decisions will be based on the information, you risk not meeting the expectations of your company's stakeholders. Establish clear goals for your project and clearly communicate them.

2. Evaluate incremental steps

No implementation of analytical tools is a one-time issue. It is a long process that requires sequential steps. They must be evaluated within the meaning of the value they brought and to what extent they support other projects.

3. Ensure transparency

The purpose of indicators is to enable better, more confident and evidence-based decisions throughout the organization. Try to share your findings as openly as possible. Fight for a corporate culture of open information sharing.

4. Keep it simple

Information overload is as dangerous as lack of information. Always carefully decide what information is valuable and what "only" interesting. If you cannot clearly answer the question of how the information would be used in practice, do not include them in your analytics.

5. Learn new technologies

HR professionals may not be technical experts but they should be aware of current technologies and able to decide what technologies can achieve the goals that are in front of them.


Article source HRM Guide - information about Human Resource Management
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