Five steps towards more productive mornings

The way we step into a new day determines how that whole day will turn out, on both the professional and personal level. How to make mornings more productive and ensure you feel full of energy throughout the day, especially during these winter months? Here are five tips on how to make an instant improvement to your mornings.


Bedroom in a "neutral state"

According to, if you want to get up in the morning feeling productive and energetic, the bedroom, and ideally the whole apartment, should be in a "neutral state", i.e. clean and tidy. Psychologically, if you find yourself faced first thing with a mess, the immediate thought that subconsciously starts to bug you is that sometime you will have to restore the bedroom to normal. This then reduces your capacity to devote yourself mentally to other matters.

List of activities

It is best to start each morning the evening before. How? By writing down a list of activities and priorities for the given day the previous evening. If you proceed according to a specific, pre-determined plan, you will get up much more easily and with a clear mind to start working on your tasks and step by step get through your list.


A regular bedtime and getting up time is essential in making your mornings productive and bearable. An irregular sleeping schedule  disrupts your circadian rhythms and puts your body out of balance biologically. Try to avoid sleeping in for too long at weekends.

Contact with nature

In order to be healthy, rested and energetic, you must be at least a little bit in touch with nature and exteriors. Without vitamin D, fresh air and the open, you cannot function well because you are not meant to be indoors all the time. Thus an ideal morning activity is a quick walk or a jog.

Beware of caffeine

Many people like to wake up over a morning coffee. The problem is that pouring caffeine into yourself when you are still not fully awake will cause stress hormones to linger longer in the body. So after waking up, try to wait at least two to three hours before drinking your first coffee.



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