Getting people acquainted: four games that will help

Onboarding, training sessions, meetings with experts or any other events: all these are often attended by people who do not know one another. One of the organiser's main tasks is to deal with this as quickly as possible because the sooner and the better people become acquainted, the greater the effect such events will have. Here are some games that will serve to this end.


These games were described on the The Balance Careers website.

Introduction in pairs

Divide participants into random pairs and let them talk about each other. Afterwards, it is the task of individual participants to introduce the other person from the pair.

What have I never done?

One game for becoming better acquainted involves everyone standing in a circle with one person in the middle who says: "I have never ...", then mentions something they have never done in their life, such as "I have never flown a helicopter." Those who have done this run to the centre of the circle and find an empty spot from which someone else has run out. The last one to stay in the middle then says what they have never done.

Two facts and one lie

In this game, one person stands in front of the others and says three things about themselves, two of which are true and one false. The other people then guess which of these three things is the lie.

Five shared facts or traits

Divide the group into pairs. The task for each pair is to find five traits or facts shared by both members of the pair. For instance, both play the guitar. The first pair to find five such shared facts wins.



Article source The Balance - a US website focused on money and career
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