Meeting as a tool for employee development


Many meetings are still a waste of time. So, why not to make them new opportunities for employee development? advises:

Every time, assign a different team meber the task of preparing the agenda

Individual employees will then gain a broader awareness of the work of their colleagues, they will better understand the operation of the company and realize the principles of effective meeting management.

Encourage team members to come up with opportunities to learn together

Ask them to bring an interesting article, new information about competitors or a proposal for change and lead a discussion on this topic. Employees will learn not only to guide the debate but also to present better, listen to others and receive feedback.

Every time, assign a different team member the task of facilitating the meeting

Employees will learn how to lead meetings, listen and solve conflicts.

Include brainstorming

Notify meeting participants in advance what the brainstorming will cover so that they can prepare their ideas. You will learn to formulate ideas, think critically and create synergy among team members.

Invite guest speakers

You can invite a customer or a supplier who will show you ways to work together more effectively. For employees it means to develop the ability to listen, think creatively and critically and analyze problems.


Article source Talent Management - U.S. magazine and website for talent management and HR professionals
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