Principles of managing virtual teams


The basis of successful remote teamwork is a clear explanation and understanding of what needs to be done. All projects and goals must be clearly defined. The more detailed the better. Once communication is missing, you cannot expect nothing else but problems. What, therefore, should you primarily focus on? Briefly are clearly, focus on the following three areas.

Clear definition of roles and responsibilities

No team member should doubt his/her role and what exactly is expected of them. Use a timeline of projects and report who is working on what and when the various parts of the project have to be completed.

Do not rely on written communication

E-mails, text messages and other forms of nonverbal communication can be very misleading. Important messages should be therefore communicated by phone or in person.

Offer greater flexibility

Give the members of your virtual teams greater freedom in the choice of working hours and work organization. They will then feel more as the masters of their life, which will be positively reflected in the results of their work.


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