10 best questions you should ask a candidate at an interview

Finding out whether a candidate attending an interview is the person you are looking for requires ingenuity, good listening skills and above all an ability to ask the right questions. To learn as much as possible about a candidate, you should ask mainly open questions that make them talk on their own. Here are the ten best questions you should ask a candidate at an interview that will help you learn about the motivations and personality of the given candidate.


"Why do you want to work at our company?"

According to Vault.com, this is a classic question that will tell you what the candidate expects from working with you.

"What do you know about our company?"

It is always good if the candidate wants to work particularly for your company instead of just wanting to work generally in your field. With this question you will find out if they know something about you.

"Do you know our competitors and their products?"

The research of the candidate should concern not just your company but the whole market in general.

"How do you imagine our typical client and what are their specifics?"

Company culture and the focus of the work of all the company's employees revolves around its target clients. This is why it is good if the candidate has an idea who these clients are.

"Where do you see yourself in five years?"

This question does sound like a cliché but it will tell you whether the candidate has any long-term plans.

"What motivates you to work?"

A good employee must handle their emotions and they need to know how to motivate themselves to a better work performance.

"Why should we choose you?"

A general, open question that helps you learn about the priorities of the given candidate and about what they feel is unique about them.

"What makes you angry?"

The candidate should be able to handle even their negative emotions; they should acknowledge them and say what causes them.

"What should we know about you that we haven't asked about?"

Again, this is an open question that will tell you what the candidate finds important in their life.

"Could you tell us an interesting fact about yourself?"

Often a seemingly unconnected fun fact about the candidate will reveal a great deal about their personality.



Article source Vault.com - americký portál a online komunita zaměřená na rozvoj kariéry
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