Assumptions of a successful social HR strategy


Using multiple platforms for multiple goals, that should be the long-term objective of your social HR strategy. However, if you are just beginning to use social networking in HR, choose only one network and one goal you want to achieve through social networks. When you start e.g. with recruitment, do not start with retention until you manage to recruit. Once you gain deeper insight in how to reach potential job seekers and build relationships with them, you can use the same strategy for other networks and goals.

Successful social HR strategy requires three basic assumptions: 1) the use of current technologies, 2) clear knowledge of what works and what does not and 3) measuring ROI.


Using obsolete websites or technologies gives potential job seekers a clear signal how your company can dealt with innovation. Especially the youngest generation follows the presentation of companies on social networks very closely. Posting vacancies on job portals is not enough anymore. If you want to reach high-quality passive candidates, you should be able to place videos from your corporate environment on your profiles on social networks, interact in forums, etc.


To accomplish your goals and not exceed the budget, you must regularly evaluate the progress of your strategy and see what works. It means to know, for example, how many employees you have acquired through the job portal A, the job portal B and the social network C. After piloting your new initiative, establish regular quarterly assessments of effectiveness.

Return on investment

It will hardly be enough for your CFO and CEO when you argument for the investment in the use of social networks for HR purposes by the numbers of visitors to your profiles on Facebook or LinkedIn. You will need metrics to demonstrate a clear value of social networks for your business. In case of recruitment, therefore, connect the data from social networks directly to your HRIS to clearly see where the candidates come from. If your goal is to increase employee engagement, present the data associated with your KPIs.


Article source Canadian HR Reporter - Canadian national journal for human resource management
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