Body language at job interviews: What you should be wary about


You have managed to get invited to an interview for your dream job. Your previous experience perfectly fits the candidate profile the employer is looking for. You have prepared yourself very carefully and you are sure that you can answer all the tricky questions. At the interview, however, it is not only important what your mouth says but equally important is what your body says.

HR professionals are master readers of non-verbal communication. Despite all your qualifications, seemingly minor issues such as a lack of eye contact or a weak handshake may disqualify you. Body language experts, therefore, recommend job applicants to prepare for interviews in terms of non-verbal communication too. You should have full control over your gestures and other non-verbal expressions during the interview. The following recommendations on what to avoid, originally published on the Buisness Insider website, can help you.

Bad posture

If you want to look confident and serious, you have to stand and sit keeping your back straight, chest stuck out and head up. This even applies to when you are at the reception area of the company before the recruiter arrives.

Bad handshake

Squeezing the recruiter's hand too much while trying to push your hand down seems unnatural and like you are trying to give the impression of a strong personality. A weak touch, on the other hand, shows a lack of confidence. The handshake should always be natural. Also, you should always wait until the recruiter gives you his hand first.

Sweaty palms

Even a natural handshake will not help you if you have sweaty palms. If you know you have this problem, go to the bathroom before the interview. Let cold water run onto your wrists for approximately one minute. Your hands will then remain dry for up to ten minutes.

Missing eye contact

When you do not look into the recruiter's eyes, you will be perceived as a rude and insecure person. Regardless of your actual knowledge and skills, you will not make a good impression.

Missing smile

A smile indicates confidence, openness and positive energy. Moreover, it is contagious so if you smile, recruiters will smile back at you.

Nervousness and lack of interest

This category includes a wide range of non-verbal expressions. This can include the case when a candidate at a job interview plays with his hair, often touches his face or does something unnatural with his hands. That sends a clear signal that the candidate is restless, nervous and perhaps has something to hide.

Shifting in your chair down or crossing your legs is also unsuitable. That shows the recruiter you are bored. To show interest, you should hold your body straight, nod your head regularly and slightly lean forward towards the recruiter.


Article source Business Insider - American business and technology news
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