Search results

Your query "Organizace pracovn�� ��innosti" has returned 243 articles.

New year, new work habits


Are you entering the new year with the intention to be more productive and a more enjoyable colleague? Then, follow the following recommendations from 1. Plan your activities more…

Freerider - a man who does what he wants


Imagine an employee who does everything for the good of your business. Unfortunately, he does not even ask his superiors if they want it and so he often does more harm than good. A Czech corporate…

How to identify potential leaders


A variety of tools to measure the leadership potential of their people is available for companies today. Common sense, however, often disappears when they are trying to measure the potential as…

Never mind working during Christmas


Are you one of those people who will have to be at work during the Christmas holidays or are you going to tell your subordinates that they will have to be at work? Then all of you could benefit from…

When employees are helpless like children...


Imagine a manager complaining: "Look, I am here from dawn to dusk. I do not mind being here, I like it. But all the people here are, pardon me, like children. They are absolutely helpless. I must…

Ten commandments of considerate behaviour in open plans


Working in an open plan office has its pros and cons. While some people emphasize greater efficiency of teamwork, others talk about loss of privacy. One of the problems is e.g. the fact that, after…

What should line managers know about HR?


Do you as an HR professional encounter line managers' misunderstandings of the roles and responsibilities of HR? Then, the recommendations listed below on what exactly you should explain to line…

Stop eating at your desk


Admit how often do you eat at your desk and, moreover, handle even other things at the same time. You certainly know that you should not eat like this but maybe you lack specific reasons. If you,…

How strong are your soft skills?


Anyone striving for career progress knows that soft skills are as important as hard skills. The fact that the so-called soft skills, such as communication skills, creativity, empathy, teamwork, etc.,…

Good leaders control their egos


Raising of successful leaders is a basic prerequisite for successful talent management. A successful leader is - generally speaking - a person who enjoys admiration, respect and trust of the people in…

How to recognize bad leaders


Just because someone performs the role of a leader, he doesn't have to be the right person to do it. Many organizations are struggling with the fact that they cannot recognize bad leaders.…

Tips for a healthier and more productive sedentary job


Although studies show that we should enjoy a ten minute break every one hour of work to maintain optimum performance, it is often not possible in practice. Read some practical tips on how to maintain…

Which office tools are gone?


The LinkedIn professional social network asked its users in a survey which office tools would disappear from offices until 2017. The survey entitled Endangered Species Office was attended by more than…

What do you clients think but will not tell you?


HR professional is not a know-it-all and even with the best efforts he cannot reliably read the thoughts of his clients. He knows that his clients do not say everything he wants and needs to hear but…

10 practical tips for moving to work abroad


Have you got an offer to work abroad or do you send your employees abroad? Then you may find useful the ecommendations of the Expat Info Desk website designed for employees who are moving abroad for…

Listing 181 to 195 out of 243