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Your query "Rozvoj%20a%20vzd%C4%9Bl%C3%A1v%C3%A1n%C3%AD" has returned 271 articles.

Top managers can't be coached by just whoever


Your task is to find a coach for a senior manager in your company. The manager has already had more than 20 years of experience, but still needs further improvement in his approach to cooperating with…

5 pillars of effective talent development


Companies' interest in finding and keeping the best and most talented employees on the market is growing dramatically. But while the domain of talent management used to be a purely HR issue, it…

Pitfalls of mobile employee training


By 2020 half the global workforce will be represented by millennials, the generation that grew up in the world of modern communication technologies. Using smart mobile devices will be a matter of…

Talent Exchange proved to be successful


The Chicago exchange group CME Group runs not only the world's largest derivatives market, but also a very successful internal talent development program called Talent Exchange. While the company…

Modern employee training: Short, practical and entertaining


One of the defining features of the 21st century so far is the extent to which digital technology is playing an ever-increasing role in our lives. At the same time peoples attention spans are becoming…

The weakness of playing only to one’s strengths


In the last ten years HR has tended to focus only on people’s strong points and pay no attention to their weaknesses. Most HR professionals will avoid using the word “weakness”…

The largest global study of coaching released


There are approximately 53,000 professional coaches worldwide, 90% of whom are active coaches. They earn an average of $51,000 a year. The total amount of global revenue from coaching reached $2,356…

What should a good LMS measure?


The principal advantage of using learning management systems (LMS) in organisations is an opportunity to gain information on how employees develop themselves and what forms of training suit them.…

Most companies treat high potentials wrongly


Organisations spend considerable effort and sums of money in order to identify high potential employees in their ranks. All these investments may, however, just be wasting time and money if you can't…

Employees will not stay because of a strong brand or a big salary


Employee engagement is closely related to how staff feel about their work. It depends on their sense of involvement in the functioning of their team and the entire company, plus how much they trust…

5 problems of employee learning and development


Many issues in corporate education have improved in recent years, though some problems still remain. These were being talked about ten years ago and action is needed so we are not still dealing with…

Work in HR is damned hard


Why do you want to work in HR? Many people answer this question by saying they love working with people and want to help them. However, that is a good reason to work in operations or general…

E-learning: When (not) to use it


Internet je již naprostou samozřejmostí našich životů, stejně tak jako e-learning ve firmách alespoň v těch větších. Trh online vzdělávacích řešení roste obrovskou rychlostí. Ne vždy je však e-…

Training should be seen as a profit centre: Calculating training ROI (2/2)


The previous article listed five levels which Jack Phillips (author of over 20 books on ROI) considers important when evaluating a training course. A chain of impact needs to occur as skills and…

Prague College opens up a world of experience with its annual summer school


Prague College, one of the Czech Republic's leading private universities, is delighted to announce the date of its annual Summer School which this year runs from 6th until 26th June and offers an…

Listing 76 to 90 out of 271