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Your query "Zna" has returned 169 articles.

Článek v rámci předplatného icon How to build a "managerial aura" around yourself


Do you want to become a successful manager? Do you want others to perceive you as a competent leader and your personal brand to be linked to your ability to lead a team? Then you need to build a kind…

icon Do you want to make your employees as happy as possible? Then avoid these mistakes


Employee performance depends largely on how happy people are at work. And to a great extent their happiness depends on the way their manager treats them. Showing subordinates you do not respect them…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Do you want to earn trust of a prospective customer? Eight tips on how to do that


Building rapport is one of the crucial tasks of every salesperson. Whatever the quality of the product you are selling, a prospect will not close a deal with you if you aren't likable or if they don't…

icon How to handle acute stress or anxiety in four steps


Acute stress, anxiety and fear: these are intense reactions of the body to negative stimuli or stressful events that can to some extent paralyse a person. How to resist these feelings and recover as…

icon Is your work environment toxic? Five signs that you are the cause


"A fish rots from the head down". This saying also applies when a work environment is toxic, communication poor and team spirit non-existent. In such cases the manager is usually to blame, at least in…

icon Three signs a subordinate is at high risk of burnout


One of a manager's main tasks is to create a healthy work environment that allows for a sustainable work style and reduces as much as possible the likelihood that subordinates will suffer from…

icon Five habits of an effective manager


Although every team is unique and every manager is different, there are certain common traits that all managers who are successful in managing people share. If you too want to become an effective team…

icon How to talk to subordinates about mental health and mental hygiene


Mental health has been at the forefront of the minds of HR professionals and managers for some time. This topic, previously so neglected, is now being openly discussed. Such terms as work-life…

icon Four steps to help your team reach its maximum potential


A manager should be a facilitator who enables subordinates collectively to leverage their strengths and achieve their maximum potential. How can you help your team to do this in practice? Here are…

icon Five lessons on leadership from a US Marines drill instructor


Many people may think the military management style in the army relies solely on absolute loyalty and a directive, uncompromising way of issuing orders. The reality is much more complex: drill…

Článek v rámci předplatného Four tips on supporting a healthy company culture


Company culture is a collection of all the unwritten processes and practices at your company. It incorporates the way individual workers communicate with one another, as well as the relationship…

icon Five signs you take work too personally and should do something about it.


Work plays a crucial role in our lives. In many cases we spend more than a third of each day at it. We often see colleagues more frequently than some members of our own family, and sometimes it is…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon How to write a business proposal to a client via e-mail that they will really read


A large part of business cooperation starts with an e-mail with a sales proposal or an offer to have a non-binding meeting. However, this is only true if the e-mail is well-written and truly engages…

icon Are you a micromanager? Three telltale signs


Micromanagement is one of the biggest sins a manager can commit. It kills the creativity of otherwise hard-working and ambitious people, leads to frustration, bad results of the team, and eventually…

icon Recognise via body language that someone is trying to deceive you


The job of a team manager consists in large part in communication with other people. A manager must negotiate with subordinates, managers, business partners and colleagues. The art of negotiation is…

Listing 1 to 15 out of 169