New year, new work habits


Are you entering the new year with the intention to be more productive and a more enjoyable colleague? Then, follow the following recommendations from

1. Plan your activities more thoroughly

If you spend the first hour at work by wondering what you should do, it's wrong. It is much more effective to plan your next day before you leave work.

2. Stop dealing with e-mails the whole day

A vast majority of the e-mails you receive doesn't require an immediate response. Use the New Year as an impulse to start reading e-mails really only a few times a day.

3. If you work from home, really work

Don't get distracted by household chores or children. Organize your day so that you can be productive and available for your colleagues and clients.

4. Stop preferring your personal life to work

It may occasionally happen to everyone that he must postpone his work for personal reasons. It should, however, not happen to you that your colleagues will have to work instead of you when you are managing your routine personal responsibilities within your working hours.

5. Attend meetings on time

If you regularly come five to ten minutes later, your colleagues cannot have a different feeling than that you are wasting their time. You will make them happy when you learn to be a better timekeeper.

6. Improve your personal hygiene and diet

A disheveled appearance makes a bad impression and a lack of hygiene sends the signal that you have health problems. Thus, try to work on your hygiene, diet and exercise and you will see that you will have more energy.

7. Omit inappropriate humor

You may have already noticed that the people around you don't share your particular sense of humor. Therefore, prefer to avoid jokes aimed at race, religion, politics, as well as anything else that your workplace may not accept.

8. Get a deeper interest in your work

People like to work with someone who has a passion for his work.


Article source - a global online employment portal
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