Four basic types of job interview

In the vast majority of cases, employers require candidates for a job vacancy to undergo an interview before they are hired. There are several basic types of interview, each of which has its positives and negatives.


The following list was published by

Phone interview

An interview conducted over the phone seldom happens in the Czech Republic. It is a format used wherever the candidate is geographically distant from the actual job location, so in Czechia it may occur, for example, when applying for a job abroad. An alternative to the phone might be a Skype interview, including video. This is an acceptable option, albeit one which, of course, does not ensure the same quality as a personal interview.

One on one

Another type of interview is one on one. According to, the benefit of this interview is intimacy. The candidate may reveal much more to you than when talking to more people. On the other hand, having just one company representative present also means that many things about the candidate might go unnoticed.

Interview with a group of company representatives

The most common type of interview is one candidate before a panel of numerous company representatives. While one person is asking, others can observe the candidate and detect many more details. However, it is also a procedure within which the candidate is usually much more nervous and may not show themselves in a true light.

Group interview

In some companies, if there are many applicants, the first round of interviews might take a group form. This means a group of candidates shows up and the interview is held with several people at once. The employer can benefit from this form by comparing the candidates to one another immediately. On the other hand, the employer has no possibility to learn about any of the applicants in depth. Therefore it is recommended to invite shortlisted candidates to a subsequent individual interview.



Article source - americký portál a online komunita zaměřená na rozvoj kariéry
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