8 steps to more efficient performance management


Creating performance management systems is one of the key HR tasks. It is, however, often overlooked that the problem of employee performance is not a problem of HR but a problem of managers who carry the everyday responsibilities for the results of their teams. HR defines the objectives of performance management processes as tools for managers. Performance evaluations done by managers are, however, one of the least popular and often also the least effective tools in companies. How to change it?

No easy solution exists. Human Resources have tried a number of formats for performance evaluation, they provided management training and involved advanced technologies without often reaching the core of the problem. Read eight tips on how to change this situation originally published on tlnt.com.

  1. Secure public support from top management

  2. Involve managers in the process of performance evaluation

  3. Ensure that managers know what is expected of them and that one of the main KPIs within their own evaluation of the performance will be the level of engagement of their subordinates

  4. Provide coaching for inefficient managers

  5. Prepare a list of common problems and advice on how to deal with them throughout the year for the managers

  6. Define performance criteria for each position using the outcomes of small groups of high-performing workers

  7. Define both excellent and unacceptable performance levels

  8. Make a commitment to review the performance management system and and its use every year


Article source TLNT - a U.S. blog for human resource and talent management leaders
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