Effective training that employees pay attention to: a myth or a real possibility?

Training of employees can be either highly effective or absolutely useless and pointless. To ensure training is not just an excuse for employees to get out of the office, you must present it in a way they will enjoy and keep their attention levels high. Here are a few tips on how such training should look.



As the website Training Zone states, it is human nature to remember stories better than anything else. Appropriate use of stories that emphasise the point the trainer is trying to convey might not just make attendees pay attention and arouse their curiosity; it can also help explain more complex concepts.


Training that consists only of numbers, tables and theory, and does not contain any practice or demonstrations, is bound to be a failure. Ideally, training should be interactive; attendees should get involved and try out the various techniques right away.


The human memory works best in connection with emotions. If something makes you feel strong emotions, you are able to remember the given detail throughout your life. A decent and balanced use of emotions in training throughout the presentation will make sure participants really will take away something from the sessions.

Small doses

The human attention span is surprisingly short. This applies especially if they are learning something new and trying to absorb new concepts and ideas. For this reason you must break the training into segments. It should never be conducted in one long stretch. You should rather have more breaks and separate the individual parts.


Article source Training Zone - a UK website focused on learning and development
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