ICF: Why coaching?


The International Coach Federation (ICF) prepared and published ten benefits of coaching for companies. It is based on the ICF Global Coaching Client Study which showed that 86% of companies will recover at least the value of their investment in coaching. 28% of them reach the return of 10 to 49 times of their investment, and 19% reach even more than 50 times. The study took place in 2009 and was attended by 2,165 clients of coaches from 64 countries.

So, why coaching?

1. It helps meeting business objectives

A coach works with employees to identify and clarify the key business objectives of companies. He helps finding effective strategies to achieve these goals.

2. It enhances creativity

A coach supports employees in new ideas and alternative solutions to situations.

3. It helps managing changes important for company growth

A coach helps employees assessing current needs, opportunities and problems and seeking changes that follow from it.

4. It increases productivity and efficiency

A coach helps especially employees who assume new or leadership roles. He teaches them to see their own potential and more productive work capabilities.

5. It develops communication skills

Most coaching participants confirm improvement of their communication skills through the collaboration with a coach. A coach not only helps them better express themselves, but he also helps them make the decisions and be more confident.

6. It halps attracting and retaining talents

Investments in the development of talented staff have a great motivational effect. An opportunity to cooperate with a coach shows them that you really appreciate them and take their development seriously.

7. It helps balancing professional and private life

A coach can help employees reveal where they have reserves in planning their time. An employee with a more balanced life is happier and thus more productive.

8. It helps employees to the satisfaction

The vast majority of coaching participants has been satisfied with this kind of development and would like to repeat it.

9. It helps companies remain successful despite tough times

Improved business performance, product quality, employee morale and retention ... The coaching brings all this to companies at any time.

10. It increases self-confidence

Most companies that have had experiences with layoffs, challenging restructuring, mergers, etc. state that coaching helped recreate the confidence of their people.


Article source ICF - International Coach Federation - a leading global organization dedicated to the coaching profession
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