Even the work on PC requires proper posture

Employees spending most of their working hours sitting at the computer struggle with crooked back, bent neck and other consequences of poor body posture. Trainingmag.com, therefore, reminds of the basic rules on the restriction of muscle load while working in an office environment.

  • Hands, wrists and forearms should be hold horizontally to the floor.

  • Head should be kept in the same height or slightly downwards. The rotation of the head should match the rotation of the trunk.

  • Keep your shoulders relaxed and arms naturally at the side of the body.

  • Keep elbows close to your body, bent between 90 and 120 degrees.

  • Always keep your legs relaxed, leaning on the floor.

  • Base the entire back on a backrest placed vertically to the floor or slightly backward.

  • Thighs and hips should be underpinned by a solid seat mounted horizontally to the floor.

  • Knees should be kept at the same level as hips and calves slightly forward.

Even with the best possible posture, however, long periods without movement is not beneficial. Therefore, employees should be lead to regular motion.


Article source Training Magazine - U.S. professional development magazine
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