Four tips on keeping your company enthusiastic and innovative

Every company wants to be innovative: it wants to be one step ahead of competitors, address modern trends, and always have a positive and innovative approach, pushing the whole company and its employees forward. How do you achieve and then maintain such an approach? How do you avoid getting stuck in one place and stagnating? Four top-level CEOs have offered tips on how they have achieved this philosophy within their company, integrating it into their company culture and then keeping it going among regular employees.


These tips from top executives were collected and compiled by

Surround yourself with better people

As the online entrepreneur Tai Lopez states, it is important constantly to surround yourself with people who do things better than you. This applies both at an individual level in personal development (you should always be the stupidest person in the room if you wish to learn as much as possible) as well as at corporate level. Be inspired by superior competitors, have your employees trained by experts and always try to get them to step outside their comfort zone and accept new challenges.

Have an open door policy

This philosophy is based on the idea that in a healthy and prosperous company which wants to be innovative, no one should be afraid to speak out loud and even an ordinary worker should be able simply to go to the CEO and voice their opinion. This is a logical approach, as the best ideas for innovation do not come from top management, but rather from the foot soldiers, namely those on the front line who know how things really work - at least according to Kara Goldin of Hint Inc.

Measure goals: both short- and long-term 

According to Brandon Dawson, CEO of Audigy, a company and all its components (all the way down to the individual level) need both short and long-term goals. These goals must be measurable and continuous analysis is necessary to check whether or not they are being achieved. Without such a system, innovation becomes a matter of chance and the development of the company is more like just groping in the dark.

Set up your company philosophy properly

Your goal, according to Andrei Callanan, should not be to tell employees what exactly they should be doing, but rather to train them and equip them with a philosophy that will enable them to work independently within a framework of certain company priorities. Focus therefore on the mindset of your workers rather than on their specific capabilities and hard skills. That way you will instil a sense of independence in your regular employees and improve their work efficiency.


Article source - website of a leading U.S. magazine for entrepreneurs
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