Good leaders control their egos


Raising of successful leaders is a basic prerequisite for successful talent management. A successful leader is - generally speaking - a person who enjoys admiration, respect and trust of the people in an organization. He leads others with a certain purpose and intent while enabling the others to become leaders themselves. The most important prerequisites of successful leaders were summarized on the website.

They look at themselves through the eyes of others

They are interested in feedback from their environment and are able to let their egos aside.

They do not see feedback as criticism

Feedback helps them to improve and they take it as a source of valuable information to think about thoroughly.

They take control over how they are perceived by their surroundings

They are actively looking for obstacles preventing them from being seen by others in a better light. They are responsible for ensuring that their behaviour sould be perceived positively.

They define clear business strategies and objectives

They clearly understand not only what to do but also how it should be done so that it moves the entire organization forward. They can create a shared vision of their strategies across the organization.

They manage the environment around them

They constantly monitor the external environment and remain in contact with people who are important to their success in the role of a leader.

They encourage cooperation in teams

They create a team culture of cooperation and resource sharing, focusing on talent development.

They want to constantly improve

They know that due to the development of business, new leadership challenges will come and it will be necessary to find new ways to address them.


Article source Chief Learning Officer - a U.S. magazine and website focused on L&D
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