How about offering unlimited vacation days?


Companies use different tactics to strengthen corporate culture and increase employee productivity. The popularity of flexible work options is, for example, still increasing. Many companies go further and offer more vacation days than the legal minimum. And there are even such companies that allow their people to choose any number of days off - they do not limit the number of vacation days at all.

Red Frog Events from Chicago, which deals with organizing events and became the Small Business of the Year here in 2011, is an example of such employer. Its founder Joe Reynolds described his experience saying that his people are not abusing the unlimited vacation policy. "I worked more 100 hours last week, but this week, as I write this column, I'm watching surfers and sipping a delicious Hawaiian brew," he wrote in his article on

The success of the unlimited vacation policy in Red Frog Eventss lies in the corporate culture based on responsibility, mutual respect and teamwork. Employees then show better work performance and they are also happier at work. Reynolds explains that:

  • Unlimited vacation policy is a way to show employees that the company treats them as adults.

  • It reduces costs, since there is no need to track and charge vacation days.

  • It shows recognition to employees by offering them what they need when they need it.

  • It is a good external marketing tool for recruitment. (Red Frog Events accepts one job seeker from 750).


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