How to set up a program for employees who are returning after an extended period of time


Are you considering establishing a program that will help your employees in their return to work after an extended absence, or do you already have a similar program but would like to improve it? Then read the following recommendations for building this type of program, which were published by

1. Find employees who have returned to work successfully after an extended pause

These can be mothers after maternity leave, or even former employees who decided to take a break from their careers for various personal reasons. These people’s stories can help you convince company management that it makes sense to renew working together with someone who was away for a long time, even if his/her former job is no longer available.

2. Start with a small pilot project

The program for supporting employees who are returning after an extended period of time can begin as an expansion of your existing traineeship program for external personnel. Try to get support for your project from managers in whose teams the interns will be able to work. It may help if you emphasize to them that it is just a temporary assignment.

3. Cast your nets

Contact local universities and other organizations that can help you promote your program. Invite people who may be potential participants in your program and other stakeholders to a one-day information meeting.

4. Train the program participants

Don’t forget that the participants in your program have been outside of the work environment for an extended period of time and need to be reminded of the basics of how the company works. Then it is necessary to focus their development on the specifics of their individual roles and responsibilities.


Article source Talent Management - U.S. magazine and website for talent management and HR professionals
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