Six most common causes of burnout syndrome

Burnout syndrome affects many different fields of business. It leads to ineffective work, lack of interest in work on the part of the employee, and in the worst case to their mental breakdown. Learn to avoid the burnout of your employees and work on eliminating the following six most common causes that lead to burnout syndrome.


Inability to affect things

According to HR Morning, many people who burn out feel unable to influence their work and things around them. They sense they have no power over their activities and nobody is interested in their opinion. Thus you should incorporate employees at your company into the decision making processes .

Unclear rules

People work best if the rules are strictly given and if they know what is expected of them. If employees are not clear about what is wanted of them, this leads to frustration and misunderstandings.

Bad relationships at the workplace

The workplace should seem safe and open to employees. If there is someone at the workplace who bullies others or creates a toxic atmosphere, stress from the given situation will gradually build up and might lead to burnout syndrome.


A stressful environment is not good for either the physical or mental state of employees. Eliminate stress, or alternatively at least offer employees effective ways of coping with it.

No support

Employees should know that in case of need they can consult someone from the company. If they feel isolated and know that management will not provide any support in the event of personal or work-related problems, this has a negative impact on their mental state.

Non-balanced work and personal life

A lack of balance in one's personal and work life has a strongly negative effect on both parts of the life of the given employee, and sooner or later may lead to burnout syndrome.



Article source HR Morning - American portal for HR managers
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