Talent management strategy priorities

Do you want to more engage in talent management this year? Then make sure that your strategy ranks first the following three priorities.

1. Competency model

If you do not have a competency model to reflect the strategic direction of your business, develop it. Connect the competencies with your business goals. This model will serve you not only for the development of talent but also for recruitment, performance management, career development, succession planning, etc.

2. Identification of critical roles

Clarify what job roles are most important to you - the loss of which you would feel the most. Direct your talent management activities primarily at those roles.

2. Development of HR business partners

Provide your HR business partners with an environment where they can act as true business partners. Provide training and transactional work shift so that they could actively monitor the gaps in knowledge and skills, anticipate new roles and work with recruiters on chosing empyloees.


Article source Designs on Talent - HR Development Blog - award-winning Human Resources blog
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