The specifics of leading millennials

Millennials, namely people currently in their 20s and 30s, form an essential part of the currently active workforce, while at the same time being significantly different from their older colleagues. Companies that employ millennials should keep the specifics of these employees in mind and adjust their management style so that both parties, millennials and employers, can benefit. Here are the specifics of millennials that employers should take into consideration.



According to HR Director, millennials are much less soloist and much more team player. Even the current education system focuses more on group projects and soft skills connected to team work. Millennials are therefore much more social and their engagement in the collective is not just a secondary aspect of their job but a crucial part in their overall efficiency. With millennials, you should thus pay special attention to building team spirit, and new employees must be effectively engaged in what is happening at the workplace both socially and workwise.

No tolerance of time-wasting

Young workers are used to real-time communication and often have little patience when having to wait for something. They are therefore excellent at dealing face to face because direct communication is natural to them. So for the work of millennials you must set up communication systems that will avoid delays and time-wasting.

Higher principle

It is not enough for millennials to be happy if their job just pays the bills: they want their work to have a deeper meaning. Their ideal is a higher principle that makes them do what they do, and they like to see a certain calling in their job. If the employer gives them this sense of purpose and is able to make employees enthusiastic for their given tasks, the reward will be higher efficiency of employees, zeal and working even beyond the required minimum.

Work-life balance

Millennials do not want to repeat the mistakes of their parents, who often burned out at work, and they pay a lot of attention to balancing out their personal and work life. They want to spend time on their hobbies because they know that off-work activities are essential for mental health. An employee should therefore offer employees the possibility to combine effectively their personal and work life.



Article source HR DIRECTOR - British website for HR directors and senior HR managers
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