Top 10 corporate recruitment challenges for the coming years


In the next five years, we can expect a complete transformation in the world of recruitment. That is why we should focus on the biggest strategic challenges corporate recruiters are facing. A well-known expert on human resources John Sullivan writes about his predictions in his latest article on The article entitled Big Challenges for Recruiting Leaders - The Top 10 Upcoming Recruiting Problems describes the ten biggest potential problems, starting with the most serious.

1. Lack of preparation for the return of strong competition

In recent years, recruiters and managers have become accustomed to a large number of applicants for almost all vacancies. Recruitment has become relatively easy. The economic recovery will, however, return more power back into the hands of job applicants and much stronger competition will appear.

2. Overloaded recruitment system

Besides intense fighting for the best candidates, an increased need to recruit new people will occur too. The existing systems of employee recruitment and motivation focused on employee retention will reach their limits. Employee fluctuation will grow with more options in the labor market.

3. Insufficient skills of recruiters and managers

The reduced volume of recruitment and the limited supply of money in recent years has not significantly contributed to the development of people selection skills of both recruiters and managers.

4. Insufficient speed

The business world today is moving much faster than in the last recruitment boom. Companies will have to deal with the need to significantly accelerate the time of hire. Managers will no longer be able to hesitate who to choose.

5. Negative impact of neglected employer brands

At the time of the economic downturn, most companies did not address the development of their employer brands. Their brands were even more damaged by layoffs, pay cuts, and freezing promotions. A company's bad reputation, especially on the Internet and social networks will be a very hard nut to crack.

6. Inability to hire innovators

Most recruitment systems are not designed to recruit innovators. Without a strong employer brand and a recruitment system adapted to innovators, you will not be able to hire the best technical talent.

7. Obsolete recruitment process

How old is your strategic recruitment plan, if you have one? In the coming years, you will have to count on the growing global labor market. You will also have to analyze the competition and find measurable data on how to achieve a competitive advantage.

8. Outdated recruitment metrics

The top management of your company will not listen to you unless you can present clear metrics of the impact of newly hired employees on the company's profitability (in money). You should also focus on the quality of hire compared to employee fluctuation.

9. Lack of effective recruiters

In times of the economic crisis, a lot of recruiters lose their jobs. Many of them are already engaged in another profession, or do not want to go back because of bad experiences. Since no school will provide you with a supply of skilled recruiters, you should expect tough competition. You will need to look for ways to keep effective recruiters as long as possible, or how to train them.

10. Lack of recruitment resources

With regard to how much your recruitment budget has been limited in the recent years, you will need a much bigger budget for the coming years. The problem can occur when your HR managers fail to convince top management about the legitimacy of such investments.

What future recruitment trends are you preparing for in your company?


Article source - Recruiting Intelligence. Recruiting Community.
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