Twenty years in HR (1/2): What has changed

Two decades is a long time. HR has changed a lot during that time in terms of technology as well as the importance of its role in the overall business results of companies.

Some things, however, have not changed. The question then arises whether what has changed or what remains the same has more to say about the development of the field.


The main changes as well as the constant features were described on the Training Zone website. Let's focus first on the changes.

1. From administration to strategy

Personnel departments originally had only an administrative function, dealing with employment contracts and salaries. Their role has, however, expanded along with how companies started to realise the critical importance of staff and people management for their business.

They turned into "human resources" or "human capital" departments and gained a place at the top management level. Although administrative tasks remain, current HR directors develop strategies to contribute to improving the business results of companies.

2. Technology for almost everything

Twenty years ago, there was usually only a single system in companies to manage employee and payroll data. Most processes were managed in spreadsheets. Today, technology is available for all HR processes throughout the employee lifecycle. Most companies use multiple systems simultaneously.

3. Systems for both HR and staff

HR systems were originally used mainly by HR people. Today, they are increasingly used by managers and employees. Individual systems are much more user friendly and easier to work with.

4. From ERP to the cloud

Twenty years ago, HR systems were installed on company servers and maintained by internal or external IT specialists. The Internet was in its infancy.

Today, the most advanced systems to manage recruitment, training or performance are cloud-based and companies access them remotely via the Internet. Cloud has not only changed the design and management of HR systems but also greatly reduced the cost of their use.

5. Access anytime, anywhere

Twenty years ago, only elite individuals could access HR systems in front of black-and-white or green monitors of corporate computers. Today, we have mobile technologies, and systems are accessible virtually to everyone. Employees enter them using their tablets and mobile phones. Social technologies that allow system users easier communication have evolved too.

Do you have personal experience of working in HR in the Czech Republic twenty years ago? What has changed the most? Share your comments with us in the discussion below.


Article source Training Zone - a UK website focused on learning and development
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Twenty years in HR (1/2): What has changed


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