What do the best recruiters have in common?


The best recruiters have developed a set of habits that makes them part artists and part scientists at the same time. What makes them top professionals is their ability to prioritize, communicate and craft visions. They are also able to keep the pace with modern technologies and they let social networks do the work for them. Let’s see what the recruiter.com website tells us about their distinctive skills.

1. Priorities

The best recruiters know what has to be done, when, and in what order. As they move from one step to the next, they are able to prioritize and know what the most important task is right now. They have the ability to quickly create to-do lists with a correct sequence of steps. And that is why they never waste time on unproductive efforts.

2. Communication

They speak frankly, get straight to the point, and they are sincere, all at the same time. Recruiters connect with their clients and use their engagement, customer satisfaction and referrals to steadily build their reputations. They use personalized communication to facilitate communication between employers and candidates. They remember that when a brand is presented well, impressed candidates often even accept a lower salary.

3. Vision

Top performers are usually driven by their vision to be the very best. The best recruiters have the ability to transform their strategies into reality. They are able to constantly re-invent and change the way they recruit.

4. Technology

They need to know how to use technology – because there are more than 300 million users on LinkedInthere alone. Recruiting professionals have to know how to use applicant tracking systems and how to conduct online video interviews. They are present on all social networks, because the user bases are large. They can create connections and engage with possible candidates in real-time, which is always an advantage.


Article source Recruiter.com - a U.S. career and employment website
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