Where are the youth of today headed?


If you have experience in managing the youngest generation of employees, you have probably complained many times that they switch from one thing to another, sometimes fail to fulfill their obligations, want to hear a lot of praise and do not want to stay in the office longer than necessary. As parents you may be watching how your child procrastinates financial independence, family and career, and you wonder where you were in their years.

Do you think about where the youth of today is headed Then you should know many generations before you were doing the same. Although it may not seem at first sight, the representatives of the so-called Generation Y (Millennials) can be a good example in the world of work in many instances. According to CBS News, they can inspiremainly in the following areas:

1. Business

Economic conditions are still difficult and therefore the importance of the entrepreneurial spirit in each of us increases. Everybody knows it, especially the youngest generation. The ability to think in terms of "if I cannot find a job, I can create it myself" is a great inspiration from the today's youth.

2. Balancing work and private life

The youngest generation has grown up with mobile technologies. They do not see any sense in sitting in an office for eight hours a day. They consider it normal to work flexibly or from home if a given work role permits. They show that it is possible to work more efficiently this way, so why to hinder from flexibility?

3. Idealism

Managers complain that young workers are not grateful to have a job at all. However, why should they be satisfied with a job that is nothing more than a job for them? They will try working on different places and become more likely to find something they will really enjoy. Anyone who can afford it should try it.

4. Loyalty to people

The representatives of the youngest generation are loyal to people, not organizations. They maintain personal contacts via social networks. How many people from your past are you in contact with?


Article source CBS MoneyWatch - server of the CBS media group related to management and sales
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