Who Is Hurting Your Worklace Morale?

Negative people at work quickly undermine the morale of others. You have probably already witnessed how a single negativist can destruct the mood of the whole team. You shloud, therefore, communicate with your employees and motivate them in the positive direction. Do not ignore the symptoms and stop negativity right at the beginning. Blr.com summed up the most frequent types of workplace negativists:

1. Complainres

They talks long about what is currently causing their misfortune. They are never satisfied and they are telling everyone about it.

2. Constant critics

They point out the mistakes of others but never admit their own ones.

3. Gossipers

They spread the "guaranteed" news all around. They like to seem important, which they strenghten by dramatic presentation of half-truths.

4. Firebrands

They try to get others to fight against anything they seem wrong. They put themselves into the roles of leading fighters for justice and look for the slightest signs of anything not working quite right. Most of them are frustrated individuals who failed to achieve leadership roles.

5. Bullies

They humiliate others using verbal and sometimes even physical violence. They want to have control over everything.

6. Pessimists

They constantly remind the negative aspects of activities and decisions. They cannot see anything positive.

7. Hidden attackers

When dealing with superiors, they behave positively. Among colleagues, however, they show the other face and cause problems.


Article source BLR.com - Solutions for Employment, Safety, and Environmental Compliance
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