Why do I have more women in my team?

Vše jako by nasvědčovalo tomu, že ruku v ruce s vývojem doby jsou lidé stále méně empatičtí. Prokazatelný úbytek empatických schopností se stává viditelným. Tradiční společenská schémata přestávají platit. Také zaměstnaní muži a ženy tak říkajíc v produktivním věku mnohdy ztrácejí své zažité, generacemi prověřené osobité charakteristiky a jejich chování na pracovišti má tendenci stát se do značné míry uniformním. Jedná se nesporně o nivelizaci v pravém slova smyslu, je to však nivelizační proces, který se vydal dosti nešťastným směrem.

Ing. Zdenka Vostrovská, CSc., 1. VOX a.s, předsedkyně představenstva

Many professional environments have for a long time been viewed as entities formed by men who are adapting them to their own image. Outstanding women are therefore more tolerated (perhaps even admired) than supported in companies, or may even be seen as a kind of curiosity exhibited in a provocative show. Is, however, every company or institution primarily a male world?

The official policy of equality emphasizes not only the rights but also the strengths of women. Measures are taken at various levels to ensure equal conditions for women and enable the development of their qualities. The law imposing strict gender parity literally at any cost could, however, be a road to hell rather than a way to perspective development. Or is it really so lucky to become a "quota woman" in a company?

What should then be the ideal composition of a team? You can read the answers to the questions above in an article by Zdenka Vostrovska, member of the board in 1. VOX, a Czech company specialized in management and accounting education. The article is called "Why do I have more women in my team?" (see the "Information Source" link).