Can you find a good digital marketer?


You are looking for a marketing specialist who should be focused mainly on digital and online marketing in your organization. How to recognize the right guy? Answers of the candidates for this position on the following questions recommended to HR professionals by will tell you a lot.

"What percentage of your team's creative work was intended for online promotion?"

This question will help you clearly see the extent to which a candidate was actually engaged in digital marketing. Especially in large organizations, marketers usually work in specialized teams and you should be sure what your candidate is specialized in.

"Describe a fully integrated campaign you have prepared."

Thanks to this question, you will know whether the candidate sitting in front of you can describe the entire life cycle of an advertising campaign from the initial branistorming to quantifying ROI. He should be able to describe both the overall marketing strategy and individual details. Ask what the most difficult part of the campaign with regard to its online aspects was.

"Describe the roles and responsibilities of each of your team members who were in charge of digital marketing."

You will find out whether your candidate understands a wide variety of tasks related to the preparation of digital campaigns. Although he did not perform all of these roles himself, he should know them. He should know what is needed to make a campaign successful.

"Tell us about your experience with a team member who has not been successful in implementing digital campaigns."

Here, you will learn more about the level of a candidate's analytical thinking. You will see whether he can clearly describe what went wrong and learn from mistakes. The ability to talk about failures is at least as important as the ability to describe the achievements.

"What resources help you to keep up with the latest trends in digital marketing?"

You are looking for an expert who knows where to find information on the latest trends and who is able to bring it to your team. He/she should be someone with a passion for the job who wants to further develop in this field.


Article source iMedia Connection - a community of senior digital marketers
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