Get rid of outdated recruitment procedures


Recruitment is one of the sectors that are changing rapidly in response to new technologies and changes in corporate values. If you want to attract the best talent, you have to move with the times. LinkedIn Talent Blog pointed out the following outdated hiring practices that should be abandoned. Are you still using any of them in your company?

1. Too much focus on qualifications

The most successful companies today do not look for employees with the best qualifications, but for those who can do the job best. They realize that it is easier to train employees in certain hard skills than trying to turn them into hard-working, friendly and loyal individuals.

2. Excessive passivity

Do not limit yourself only to candidates who respond to your job ads. You should not waste most of your day reading their CVs, but actively look for potential employees using all possible communication channels.

3. Too generic job offers

If you want to avoid getting flooded by CVs from people who do not meet your needs, try to write a specific job description as possible. Require specific examples of previous work or cover letters in which candidates  describe their motivation to work for you based on specific experience from previous projects.

4. Too much focus on culture fit

The aspect of employee fit is important, but not the only one that should be considered. It is not good for the company where everyone thinks the same.

5. Trying to remain anonymous

Job advertisements that do not specify the name of the employer are useless. The best talents decide based on companies' cultures and do not waste time with unclear ads.

6. Rejecting overqualified candidates

Over-qualification is not a legitimate reason to reject a candidate. Do not judge candidates solely by how they look on paper. They may want to work on a lower position for good reasons.


Article source LinkedIn Talent Blog - recruiting strategies, tips and trends on the LinkedIn social network
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