Onboarding process: From schedule to feedback


All of us have experienced how important the first weeks and months in a new job are. Every HR professional should, therefore, ask how the experience of new employees in his company looks like. If you still don't have a formal onboarding program, it is high time to introduce it. Your managers need brochures, videos and other materials to give to the new members of their teams. That will help new employees to gain an overview of what they have to manage in the first months and managers to learn about their role in this process.

The following practical tips for implementing the process of onboarding were published on talentmgt.com.

Create a schedule

Prepare a schedule of key objectives for the newcomers to meet after joining the company. Clearly defined deadlines are essential.

Involve representatives of top management

Convince senior managers to participate in training sessions and other meetings with new employees. Show that your company takes onboarding seriously.

Appoint mentors

Build a formal plan for the collaboration of experienced employees and newcomers on the principle of mentoring. Focus on the fact that the mentors should have not only the right knowledge and skills, but also the time and interest to devote to the newcomers.

Ask for feedback

Don't end the onboarding process without asking for the newcomers' feedback. Ask what was the most useful help for them during their onboarding and what they missed.


Article source Talent Management - U.S. magazine and website for talent management and HR professionals
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