Why do you lose high-quality job seekers?

You offer great jobs in great company with great financial rewards and your advertisements are targeted to the right audience. Applicants, however, do not come as you imagined. What is wrong?

According to the findings of CareerBuilder.com, the process of filling out application forms that are too complex or do not work at all is often to blame. Applicants find your job offer on the Internet, click on the "Reply to the offer" button and do not get anywhere. When they succeed to open the link and see the lengthy application form, they consider filling of the form a waste of time.

The good news is that it is quite simple to fix these problems if you have the tools for data analysis. They help you determine exactly where the candidates leave. Well consider whether your internal tools are sufficient or you will need the help of a third party. Start by asking: How often do you evaluate the process job seekers must pass to be able to apply for a job in your comapany?


Article source CareerBuilder - the largest online job site in the U.S
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