Policeman is the most stable position


People who sought for jobs on the Czech portal in 2011 had experience from two previous jobs on average. Job-seekers with university education changed their career more often than job-seekers who completed only primary school. Policemen, engine drivers and train dispatchers were the most stable positions.

Most career changes were found in the CVs of people who wanted to work as top managers. When applying for these jobs, the applicants had experience from 3.9 previous jobs. People looking for work in low skilled jobs had experience from 3.9 previous jobs.

Policemen stayed in one position for 15.6 years on average. The second most stable job in the Czech Republic was the position of engine driver where people worked 13.3 years on average. The third most stable position was train dispatcher with the average 11.6 years.

The least stable positions included recruitment consultants, lifeguards, telemarketing operators, promoters and telephone operators. People worked only about a year in these positions.

Article source - a Czech job portal
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