Show managers how to motivate at the end of the year


The end of the year is a good opportunity to reflect and enhance employee motivation. brought ten tips to inspire employees to better work in the new year. Share them with your managers.

  1. Remind your people why you hired them and emphasize how they succeeded using specific examples of their work.

  2. Organize brainstorming where your people can develop their current thoughts.

  3. Get together with your people in face-to-face meetings and ask what you can do for them to be more inspired and to facilitate their work.

  4.   Lead by example and demonstrate your own motivation.

  5. Inquire about the interests of your people out of work and try to connect their hobbies more with their jobs.

  6. Give your people the opportunity not only to come up with new ideas but also to develop plans for their implementation.

  7. Let your people tell their own stories which can be motivating and inspiring for others.

  8. Share the success of your company with your employees.

  9. Give people more freedom to implement their tasks.

  10. Be both their teacher and student.


Article source Incentive Magazine - online magazine focused on incentives
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