LinkedIn: 2018 Workplace T&D trends

Many skills are rapidly becoming obsolete today, and many are no longer needed due to new technologies. At the same time, however, new skill gaps are occurring. Since the economy is in a good condition, and there are fewer and fewer unemployed people, companies are not only looking for ways to get new talents, but also trying to keep the ones they have. That is why managers and specialists focused on employee training and development are playing an increasingly important role in companies. What trends can be expected in 2018?


The LinkedIn professional social network published the results of its 2018 Workplace Learning Report which involved four thousand users worldwide.

Of the respondents, there were 1,200 training and development specialists, 2,200 employees, 200 executive managers; and 400 people managers.

They answered questions focused on employee training and development in companies. The survey revealed the following five most important trends.

  1. While training specialists consider employee training should prioritize the skills needed today, managers see the development of skills needed for the future as a priority. It's important to identify important future skills and balance employee training so that it focuses more on future needs than before.
  2. All respondents agreed that soft skills development is a key priority for 2018. At a time of fast-moving automation, it is necessary to develop technical knowledge and skills, but there is also a growing demand for employees who are able to think critically, communicate and lead others.
  3. Employee development increasingly depends on online solutions, and this will not change in the future. Employees prefer learning at their own pace and at a time they choose. In addition, digital training tools help meet the needs of a broad range of employees and can also measure success.
  4. Another crucial employee development task is to get employees to find time to develop and learn. To do this, it is necessary to link training with employees' career aspirations within the company and offer them opportunities to develop using platforms already in use for other purposes.
  5. An important role is played not only by training and development managers and specialists, but also by team managers. They need to be more involved in supporting their people in training and development. Employees themselves confirm they would devote more time to learning and development if their manager recommended a specific course.

Download the report


Article source LinkedIn - the largest business-oriented social network worldwide
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