Starting with Leaderhip Development

Leadership does not depend on high position but on the quality of relationships with people. Simply put, leadership is the ability to influence other by means of communication that can bring positive results.

The key role in the development of leadership is played by training managers. They have to understand that leadership is a process of interaction and that anyone can be a leader. Only then they can create effective leadership development programs. Server Chief Learning Officer advises how to start.

  1. Involve CEOs as models of leadership development.

  2. Involve representatives of all generations to learn from each other.

  3. Develop people within their teams rather than separately.

  4. DWatch the organizational context of developed people.

  5. Use modern technology to teach theory and face-to-face meetings for the application of theory in practice.

  6. Focus on behavior change according to the (one) concept that you have defined.


Article source Chief Learning Officer - a U.S. magazine and website focused on L&D
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