Pillars of a global recruitment strategy

The way companies can cope with global recruitment strategy in the ongoing war for talent will determine whether they will or will not have the best of the best in their ranks. Whether you choose to create your global recruitment strategy yourself , or bet on an experienced provider of outsourcing, the strategy should always include the following four elements.

Consensus on common goals

A global recruitment strategy cannot work without clear support from top management. Involving the top management will help you better align your organization's expectations with missing talent. Consesnsus must be sought through a common terminology and definitions.

Global design with local execution

Some elements of your global recruitment strategy must be consistent. These include brand standards, technology platforms or legal requirements. However, for the strategy to be successful, there must be space for regional requirements at various stages of the recruitment process, too. Even such a seemingly marginal issue as the size of the room to conduct job interviews may be very important in some regions. Feel cultural differences.

Gradual deployment

Before putting your plan into practice, let it be finally approved by the shareholders. Then follow by clearly communicated and measurable stages whose objectives were defined in advance. Deploy the strategy in several pilot locations before you implement it throughout the whole company.

Commitment to continuous improvement

After running the entire strategy, plan and implement regular assessments in order to continuously improve the processes. Formal recognition and communication of project milestones will assure the necessary resources for your strategy.


Article source Recruiting Trends - recruitment news and analyses
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