Tips for a healthier and more productive sedentary job


Although studies show that we should enjoy a ten minute break every one hour of work to maintain optimum performance, it is often not possible in practice. Read some practical tips on how to maintain health and productivity when you have to sit at your desk for a long time. The tips were publisehd on

Drink water with lemon

Half a lemon squeezed into a glass of water starts your metabolism to metabolize harmful substances more efficiently. Moreover, the lemon scent gives you the feel of extra energy and alert. Water hydrates our brain and muscles and therefore an adult should drink at least two liters of water a day.

Get a gymnastic ball

Poor posture when sitting prevents proper blood flow. It also leads to back and shoulder pain that cause headaches and loss of concentration. So, if you are to sit for a long time and you do not have time to alternate sitting with walking, alternating sitting on the chair with sitting on a gymnastic ball. The ball will help keep your back straight while strengthening important muscles. Your brain will be better oxygenated.

Snack foods rich in protein

Proteins maintain stable blood sugar levels. Instead of your coffee and cake snack rather snack raw almonds, fruits and vegetables or yogurt. Avoid refined sugar which relieves fatigue for a short term but after a while leaves us even more tired and also damages our immune system.

Work out at the table

Short stretching improves blood circulation, oxygenates brain and reduces neck and shoulder pain. To stretch your neck and upper back join hands behind your head and release the head downwards. Keep your back straight. To strech your shoulders, place one hand on your hip and stretch the second hand to the ceiling. You can also stand up, place both hands on the desk and take a few steps backward.


Article source - website of a leading U.S. magazine for entrepreneurs
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