Why do your colleagues hate you?


We spend most of your time with colleagues at work. We should therefore not underestimate the way we behave towards each other. It's like in a partnership - after a while, everyone starts to behave as it is natural for him and does not realize that it may not suit the other person. Then there is a tense atmosphere and conflicts arise. Therefore, try to look around your office and consciously think about your behavior. Focus on whether there is a reason for the people around you to hate you. 11 such reasons were aptly described on Salary.com.

11 reasons why your colleagues hate you

  1. You are messy. Your workplace looks like a rubbish dump and your appearance and odor suggest that you treat your personal hygiene in the same way.

  2. You don't follow the basic rules of e-mail communication. You shout at the recipients of your messages using all capital letters, constantly use the "reply to all" button and mark all messages as a priority.

  3. You look down on the others. You are showing that you always know everything the best.

  4. You share too much personal details from your personal life. Your colleagues don't care about what you do while you are drunk or about the details of your partnership problems. They don't want to listen to your private phone calls either.

  5. You are doing just the minimum that you have to do and don't get involved any more. If don't like your job, find another one.

  6. You are preparing aromatic food in the office. The whole office must then breathe something that makes them sick.

  7. You take credit for the success of your colleagues' ideas and work. That will never go unnoticed.

  8. You are constantly complaining. Everything is wrong according to you and nothing goes well.

  9. You're making noise. You speak too loudly or play music that annoys the others. Maybe they will not tell you directly in the eye but that doesn't mean they don't think it.

  10. You miss the basics of etiquette such as the ability to say hello, ask for something or thank somebody.

  11. You always come late. You show the others this way that you absolutely not respect their time.


Article source Salary.com - technology leader in providing employee compensation data
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