HR as a leader of innovation in the company

Innovation in companies is not just a matter of product development teams. There are different types of innovations, many of which can only succeed with the help of HR managers and departments. Innovation management in companies is even one of the key roles of HR.

Illustration highlighted the following situations in which HR managers can lead innovation to help their companies develop and grow.

1. Support of innovation across the company

HR managers are important creators of corporate culture. They can thus create an environment where employees are encouraged to be creative and come up with innovations. That requires open discussion about the possibilities for change and improvement, but also time for employees to work on innovative projects.

2. Innovation implementing processes

HR is the department creating processes that make companies operate on a daily basis. So create a process that will make it easy to create and implement innovations in your company. There are many software tools to manage employee ideas available today.

3. Improving of processes

HR processes not only create but also improve. Everyday use of processes in practice can bring different recommendations for improvement. It should not only be heard but also assessed and subsequently implemented if it is found to be beneficial. It requires primarily easy and open communication between departments.

4. Recruitment of innovators

Although the final selection of new members for their teams is often decided by managers, HR also has its role here. Therefore, promote the recruitment of employees who are able to think freely, adapt to change and want constantly to improve. Another key to innovation is employee diversity.

5. Rewards for innovators

It is also important that employees who come up with innovations are properly recognised and rewarded. If they do not feel appreciated, they will hardly come with new ideas. Here, the challenge for HR is to create an incentive programme for innovators.


Article source Online Recruitment Magazine - British website focused on recruitment
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