Recruiting former employees can work


The fact that an employee leaves you does not mean that he will not come back later. Former employees can, on the contrary, be a very strong group of talent, especially for the positions of specialists. Even if they will not return themselves, they can recommend you other good candidates. therefore recommends organizations to establish a separate rehiring program. First, however, it summarizes the advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of hiring former employees

  • Former employees know the company's culture and practices.

  • After returning, they will understand their work and industry even better than when they left.

  • They can help you to keep the existing employees.

  • They will help you underline your reputation of a good employer.

  • They will show other former employees that it makes sense to consider the return.

Disadvantages of hiring former employees

  • Existing employees may consider former employees to be hired for higher positions with a higher pay as unfair.

  • The reasons for which they have already left can repeat.

  • Some companies don't want to make the impression that they cannot find new employees.

  • Former employees can be away too long. The corporate culture could have changed to an extent that don't suit them.

How to create a rehiring program

  • Convince your colleagues in the HR department, managers and senior management that it can make sense to recruit former employees.

  • Prepare case studies from other companies and other demonstrations of how the new program will affect the overall recruitment.

  • Specify metrics that will indicate the success of the program. The measures can include the number of former employees rehired, the turnover of this group of employees, the speed of the former employees recruitment or the ways to search for these employees.

If you want employees to come back to you, you must treat them with respect. When they leave, you should talk to them in exit interviews and ask them to stay in touch - e.g. via your online group of former employees. Emphasize that you will be happy to cooperate with them in the future and inform them of new opportunities to work for you.


Article source Recruiting Trends - recruitment news and analyses
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